
The School’s General Aim

School’s vision recognising the importance of the 4 core purposes for our learners

  • Ensure that all pupils enjoy themselves with their friends.​
  • Nurture humility in school, local area (Cynefin) and Wales including Welsh language.​
  • Provide learners with regular opportunities to experience success and promote the growth mindset of all members of the school community.​
  • Ensure that learners experience self-worth and that the pupil’s voice is given due attention.​
  • To provide a happy, positive and safe environment for all learners.​
  • Celebrate the fact that each child is different and important.​
  • Develop the basic skills of all disciplines including literacy, numeracy, digital and thinking.​
  • Build the self-worth and self-belief of all learners.​
  • Providing exciting out-of-class experiences.​
  • Provide opportunities for older learners to participate in various performing teams and groups.​
  • Encourage everyone to be independent learners.​
  • To develop the bilingual skills of all pupils.​
  • To develop healthy and confident individuals

Our aim is to provide each child with a broad, balanced, relevant and differentiated curriculum with a focus on skills and to give him/her the opportunity to develop so that he/she is able to live and take his/her place fully and effectively in society.

Each child will be provided with opportunities and experience, which develop their awareness of the distinctiveness of Wales , its languages and culture. Welsh is the language of school life and not the language of lessons only.

To give each child the opportunity to develop to his or her full potential through experiencing a variety of interesting and relevant experiences.

To develop lively, enquiring minds, including the ability to question.

To develop physical skills and take part in activities designed to improve their health and fitness whilst working effectively as part of a team .

To acquire understanding, knowledge and skills relevant life long learning to prepare our pupils to the best of our ability for the world of work.

To develop the use of language and number effectively and ensuring all children to be bilingual by the time they are transferred to Secondary Education.

To develop personal and moral values, respect for religious values and tolerance towards other religions and ways of life.

To understand the world in which they live and the interdependence of individuals, groups and nations.

To develop pupils to be able to appreciate human achievements and aspirations.

To ensure that the relationships between home and school are such that parents and staff can work together in the interest of the pupil.

Every pupil will have a residential experience.

Every pupil will participate in an environmental activity.

Every pupil will participate in a performance regularly.

Every child will have tho opportunity represent their school, cluster, area at a level that’s appropriate to their skill in team sport and other activities.

Every pupil will attend professional arts workshops or performances.

Every pupil will have the opportunity to choose whether or not they wish to play a musical instrument, other than classroom percussion.

Every Key Stage 2 pupil will write stories or poetry, illustrate them and present them to younger pupils and other audiences.

Every pupil will take part in a community activity.

In partnership with the school, parents will be urged to develop their child’s literacy and numerical skills.

Every child will be able to contribute to the school council, which is a democratically elected body.